Welcome to the homepage of itanimulli. This homepage actually serves no purpose at all. I still don't understand why you're reading this page. GO AND CLICK SOMETHING ELSE ON THE MENU!!!!
UPDATE:Due to the amount of visits that I'm getting on this page, I figure I might as well come up with something relevant but first, let me explain the creation of this site. This originally was a school project, and since I can't take anything seriously, I turned it into a joke. Now I think that I should probably update the site every couple of months just to keep things fresh. Thank you!
UPDATE:For our new page segment, we'll be doing a violence in videogames section, it will most likely replace that completely random "about" page which contains nothing relevant. For this, we'll actually need a people to take a survey that we put together. We already know that there isn't a correlation due to looking at previous studies, we're actually just doing this because of a school project. Survey link is here: https://docs.google.com/a/auhsd.us/forms/d/1lI398w_Xs8BXvoX6wst-1s011fO2BOP7BPTQ8zoxqe8/edit?usp=sharing Thank you.